
If you have worked for a leader who was critical in fostering your development, we would like to hear about your experience as a part of this leadership study.

The study seeks to answer the following questions:
  • What is it that leaders do to successfully develop others?
  • What are the characteristics of leaders who challenge others to stretch and grow?

What’s involved?

If you decide to participate, you will engage in a brief interview that will last approximately 15 minutes. We will ask you two questions about leaders you have known. Your responses are confidential and will be combined with others.

How does this help me?

The conversation may refresh some opinions and preferences that lead to more satisfying interactions with others.

Will the results be confidential?

Yes, individual responses are anonymous.

Will I need to sign an informed consent?


How do I participate?

To indicate your willingness to participate simply click here.

Have you done previous research on this topic?


Will there be compensation?

There is no compensation. You may request a summary of the results when you participate.

How long does it take?

Approximately 15 minutes.

What is the potential downside?

There is no significant potential risk

What is the potential upside?

You may experience an increase in productive leadership behaviors.

Join the study.