The primary focus of our research is leadership effectiveness. This informs how we approach our work. We have conducted research in a variety of companies. We continue this work to refine our understanding of effective leadership behaviors and apply our learning to our client engagements. See below for a description of past and current studies.

T4 Performance Results
Engaged teams are high performing. It’s true for teams of top performing cardiac surgeons and financial analysts as well as virtually any team you’d care to name. [1] In this recently published study on our unique performance improvement process, 5 teams identified $2 million in annual operational performance improvements.[2]

STEM Leadership Results
Effectiveness of leaders in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) disciplines is critical due to the uniquely powerful impact STEM organizations have on the nation and the world. While only 5% of the people employed in the US are in STEM jobs they are responsible for 50% of our sustained economic expansion. Published in 2014, our research breaks new ground by identifying powerful positive correlations between specific leader behaviors and effective decision making on the part of direct reports.[3]

Join Performance Study
Team-driven performance improvement grows team member engagement and locks in learning. It enables teams to align on goals and own their results. Teams have identified opportunities to speed product development, reduce overhead, improve customer support and more. Interested in quickly unlocking potential performance improvements in your team? Find out more.

Join STEM Study
STEM workers make up just 6 percent of the U.S. workforce but have a huge economic impact. We recently identified statistically significant correlations between leader behaviors and effective workplace decision making. [1] This team-focused study seeks to uncover evidence of a causal relationship. Learn more or express interest.

Join Leadership Study
Developing people is essential to organizational success. What does a supportive leader do? We are researching people’s experiences with leaders supportive of their development. Your participation is welcome and only requires a 15 minute interview. Join the study.

[1] Grant, Adam; 2013
